It's not often we see a novel set in the Brummie area (Birmingham) of England and now I don't understand why it hasn't really been done on this scale before. It's nice to see a story based in the midlands, rather than it being London-centric or Americentric. These are working-class and middle-class characters mixing not because of what they have in their pocket, but rather what intelligence and go-getting attitude that they all possess. Maybe now people will come to realise that the midlands is not Area 51 or something stupid and along those lines, which makes me happy to see. Otty is a new-starter writer who has just been given the opportunity to write for a well-known show-runner, Russell Styles who has fired many other writers in the past, just because he believed that they were not good enough. But Otty is different from the rest, due to her working-class background and her cest for making every piece just as risk-worthy as the last, rather than safe and easy. But s...
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