The more that I think about how I value other people's perspectives and how I should always be one better than the next, I begin to feel depressed. Why do we do this to ourselves? Do we know that everyone seems to experience some form of competition, even when they look like they have nothing at all? So shouldn't we all be a little kinder towards the people who are feeling like they are losing the race?
You would have thought as an intelligent and rational race of beings that we would be immune to this sort of feeling. In fact, I think that it makes us all worse.
It seems like we all have this power to use it not only on ourselves but also the people around us. You might be thinking right now that can't be me; but you couldn't be more wrong. There have also be times that I realise that I also do it to others until I don't see it until I am far too late.
No wonder I have come to prefer fictional worlds rather than the real one. But I guess not even I can seem to escape it completely as fiction is simply a way of reflecting what we already know and understand of reality. Plus, as Halliday says in Ready Player One: ' terrifying and painful as reality can be, it's the only place that you can get a decent meal. Because reality is real. You understand what I'm saying?'
So if you are having the same predicament as myself, or realise that you are causing it, it's ok, you are now in good hands. This is where you stop and see yourself as being great as you are. You can only be your champion. Don't care about anyone else, they don't matter. Maybe if we all come to realise this, maybe the world will be a slightly better place. Just remember my new mantra: you are important and no one can make you or your achievements feel less. As at the end of the day, we are simply moving trains on set to different destinations yet on the same track.
I’m always on your side,
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