So this time I decided to take a different route when it comes to reviewing books. This is because, for one time only, I will be reviewing a cookery book. I know. Not really something that you see on this site regularly. However, I did buy the book and it is one - so does that qualify? I guess so. The thing that makes this cooking book so different to those which I had seen from the past is the simplicity of it. As a student myself, I don't like to waste my time on preparing food in a completely different language of food lexical fields. So, you can probably tell that this has a completely opposite refreshing feel to it. What is not to love when it comes to having a bacon and marshmallow butty? Who cares about our conscience telling us about the drastic amount of calories and sugar that must be in such a small amount of food? One part of this book however, that I truly love is how there is a conversation in itself between the two authors. It makes it feel very human, unlike...
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