So this time I decided to take a different route when it comes to reviewing books. This is because, for one time only, I will be reviewing a cookery book. I know. Not really something that you see on this site regularly. However, I did buy the book and it is one - so does that qualify? I guess so.
The thing that makes this cooking book so different to those which I had seen from the past is the simplicity of it. As a student myself, I don't like to waste my time on preparing food in a completely different language of food lexical fields. So, you can probably tell that this has a completely opposite refreshing feel to it. What is not to love when it comes to having a bacon and marshmallow butty? Who cares about our conscience telling us about the drastic amount of calories and sugar that must be in such a small amount of food?
One part of this book however, that I truly love is how there is a conversation in itself between the two authors. It makes it feel very human, unlike the high-rising chefs on the television trying to explain their recipes on their shows. No. You can definitely feel like what they have made, despite looking incredible, is truly possible for someone who hasn't even picked up a spatula before. It gives me hope and for once, after buying a book such as this, I feel as though I am actually going to cook for once.
So, to make sure that I do try these recipes, I have decided that I want to post what I have created in the next couple of months. Who says that making nice food is impossible?
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