Hi guys! We all know what the post is about this week. Last week I revealed to you the cover of Lily Luchesi's upcoming book. And there is no surprise to tell you that I will be reviewing it for you today. So first of all, I want to remind you of what I have shown you last week: The book itself consists of around 100 pages -- pretty short and sweet. I kind of liked it this way. Sometimes I find vampires very hard going and having it in a "never-ending" sort of book, really can take a toll. It was snappy in a way that gets to the point, which is brilliant compared to those books are "padded" out for the sake of it. I like the idea where there is more than vampires. It focuses on a wide range of paranormal creatures, which have been weaved together effortlessly, into the story. Rather than placing all of them in the background to set the stage. It demonstrates the skill of being able to personify more than one character. Everyone has their indivi...
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