I have the pleasure to show you the cover for the upcoming paranormal romance novel. Enter now, Stake-out by Lily Luchesi...
Stake-Out, is Lily Luchesi's first book in the paranormal detective series.
This is the cover reveal for the book which will be released on May 19th by Vamptasy Publishing.
As you can see this cover is very intriguing. Personally, I like the colours that it actually has. It reminds me of a high in demand book that you may find on the Goodreads giveaways. (Well nothing beats a good Goodreads giveway!)
The words used on the cover 'In a city overrun with the undead an ex cop is given a chance to get revenge'. This is very exciting. I love the prospect of paranormal genres, which suggest on the front of the main character which is trying to seek redemption. It is kind of thrilling as well as comforting at the same moment - in an odd sort of way!
I've always been a sucker for the paranormal genre. I think that it has a wide range that we are all able to think about. With their backgrounds, moralities, mythologies and characters. The cover gives that sort of air that seems quite promising for all of these things.
Well you will all be glad to know that you won't be left on the side lines for long for the upcoming review to this new and exciting book. I will be posting the review in the next coming week, in the weeks leading up to it's publish.
There is always something so magical in the air when it comes to publishing new books in the Spring/Summer. And it just shows from the first look of this cover, that this year is going to be no different. Maybe even better.
See you next week, where I will be the review to this book. I can't wait to share it with you all!
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