During most of my time from the past couple of weeks, i have planted myself into an A-level English text of my choice. So what is it? Drum roll please...Dubliners by James Joyce. So i made this stupid error when i first chose the book(please bear in mind i have awful pronunciation) by calling it Dub-liners , but then i had to think about it for a while. Which it was then that i realised that because it is about middle class Irish people i thought then the proper pronunication is Dub-lynners, because of Dublin. In fact now that i look back i sound so idiotic. Ooops! So getting past the misdirection, the main idea of this text looks at 15 different stories, for different people in the 20th century and how they coped in middle class life in Ireland. It's a very difficult book to read, as there is no speech marks and relies much more upon the use of hythons at the beginning of the sentence,when someone is talking. In fact because it is quite hard to understand, I actually changed the...
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