I know that I have already done Darren Shan, but this is one of the last books that I will be reading his works- except for the particular Zom-B novels that are still be published at this exact moment in time. The Zom-B novels will be the last review I will be doing of Darren Shan myself, unless I allow someone else to guest blog and do one of his other sagas. So the sooner that I get this all done the better I guess for you the reader. But just to be clear, I love this writer so much that I have read over 34 books of his- I think that I am obsessed! Genre: Horror, Dystopian Publisher: HarperCollins Year Of Publish: 2010 This is my book of " The Thin Executioner " and is presented for those who don't mind a quest in an unfriendly environment, as well as some confusing names to remember! It is said that in which through some of his interviews, that he prefers this work compared to his others that he wrote. Although, he may be different now, with the fact of how...
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