There has been a lot plaguing my thoughts for the last few months. Despite having quite a lot of things go off in my real life it seems like I’m still pulled back to the same thoughts about the book community. It is the one thing I keep seeing every time I log back into my social media and if I’m being honest, I’m not pleased. When did the book community feel so much like a kid's playground? To put into context it seems like there has been a great divide by what should be considered a good book. let me explain... If you read a book and think that it is amazing, brilliant, rate it five stars and give a good review. But what about the books that you really didn't like? Surely you should be able to give it one or two stars if you feel like this is required? Nope, this is blasphemy. According to some, this counts you as a coward. You should have stopped reading it as soon as you realised that you hated the book. Well, I'm sorry but I strongly disagree. You can't really ca...
Books are life. Follow me on X @KikiHempell, Facebook @Kikisepeolatry, Instagram @kikihempell, Goodreads @KikiHempell