Genuinely I have never felt so passionate about a book topic. I think this genre has been the pinnacle of my time as a reader from the beginning, all the way up till now. It affects the way I think and observe the world. So, why do I want to talk about YA and what can be gained from this rant? Well, I think it is due to capitalism. What happened to quality over quantity? Now, I ask you this question, when was the last time you read a YA novel that not only stuck out to you but also was a hot topic of conversation? I don't think these conversations have existed in any sense for the last five years. YA has simply been absorbed into a never-ending library with more vivid and interesting genres that take our fancy. It just doesn't exist. It is dead, but somehow we are making out that it still lives. Like a conspiracy to one of the most conversed topics of whether it died in the first place. But we all know, deep down, the golden age is gone and what comes after? Publishing...
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