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Grown by Tiffany D. Jackson


Synopsis: 'Korey Fields is dead.

When Enchanted Jones wakes with blood on her hands and zero memory of the previous night, no one - the police and Korey's fan included - has more questions than she does. All she really knows is that this isn't how things are supposed to be. Korey's was Enchanted's ticket to stardom.

Before there was a dead body, Enchanted was an aspiring singer, struggling with her tight knit family's recent move to the suburbs while trying to find her place as the lone Black girl in high school. But then legendary R&B artist Korey Fields spots at an audition. And suddenly her dream of being a professional singer takes flight.

Enchanted is dazzled by Korey's luxurious life but soon her dream turns into a nightmare. Behind Korey's charm and power hides a dark side, one that wants to control her every move, with rage and consequences. Except now he's dead and the police are at the door. Who killed Korey Fields?

All signs point to Enchanted.'

This is a book which truly makes you feel so many different emotions at once. A mix of anger, fury, confusion, curiosity, sadness and at the same time wanting to avenge. The sad part about all of this is that it is not far from the truth in some aspects. These events, no matter the order or who it might be with, is still taking place today. Maybe even right this minute. It's shocking in so many ways, but it makes it even more important to discuss and implement measures for the safety of our children as well as people within our communities.

I think this is an especially important topic that needs to be raised at this moment in time due to the increase of how we are spending time with the same people at home. It is not just about the power dynamic of Enchanted being a seventeen year old girl and Korey a twenty-eight year old man. It's the abuse of their 'relationship' with the gaslighting, physical and mental abuse, as well as the stalking. This is a piece that we could all be taking a lesson from. Especially when we as the human race give so much power to certain people that they then use to abuse and convince most people that it wasn't their fault. 

Based on the topics that have been inspired by this book and the importance of the #Metoo movement I think that this is definitely a book that should be shared with all young people, or discussed in book clubs. We need to shout this problems louder to all the people that are not listening. I cannot emphasise this problem enough. If I could I would give a copy to all of the people around me just so they could see what I can now see. That what is at risk is not only young girls and boys, but all of the black girls and boys that no one seems to believe, which breaks my heart in two.

If you haven't read this book yet, please do. Please do for the sake of yourself, community and the young people who are subjected to this type of behaviour. We need more kindness and empathy in the world to help when you can see someone might in a situation such as this.


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