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Baby Koala Rescue by Tilda Kelly


'A tragic bush fire sparks a beautiful friendship between a young girl and a baby koala. Ruby is dreading changing schools as her autism makes it hard to befriend other kids. But when her dog finds a baby koala and her family agrees to foster it, Ruby quickly becomes the koala's best friend. Ruby loves quiet and routine, which makes her a perfect koala carer! A talented artist, she names the koala Pablo - after her favourite artist. Through looking after Pablo, Ruby befriends a neighbouring girl who loves painting as much as she does. Soon Pablo is well enough to move to a koala kindergarten. But is Ruby ready to move to her own new school?'

If you want to give your child a heart-warming little story about how a girl on the autism spectrum looks after a koala joey; makes a new friend; comes to terms with important life-changing events in her family life and factual information about the ongoing, upsetting tragedy of Australia's bushfires then this book is a must in any child's newfound library.

This little book is vital piece that all parents should be considering their child and teaching them now. Not only about the environment and how we as human beings affect the wildlife around us, but empathy towards others. Such as how Ruby can be described as having a condition, but this is not something that defines her from her passion. But also she learns lessons of social interaction and how sometimes in order to make things right we have to be kinder to one another.

Particularly, Ruby struck a cord in me which doesn't usually happen. I have had a very similar experience where my social anxiety was high, yet I also struggled to see the signs that people were giving me in the conversation as a child. In fact, there are occasions where I even struggle now. Even though there were times when I felt she was being a little bit unreasonable to those around her I had to remember that the portrayal of a child on the spectrum is very good.

It's nice that the author included some of the ways that a child with autism goes through. It is not just about the lack of social skills, but also other things such as not wanting to go to a certain place because of the noise or even the colours that it has been dressed up as. Ruby has demonstrated that there is far more than what can be seen to the naked eye.

My final rating of this book is four stars due to how it was incredibly fast-paced. I understand that this meant to be a children's book and not many children would have the same amount of attention that someone older. However, it would have been nice to hear more about the bushfires and how this has impacted the environment. Yes, it was mentioned and it was identified how important it is for us all to know about it, but it would have been interesting to highlight to the children reading this book how they can get involved. 

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  1. I may relate to this book, like my son, who is high-functioning Autistic. As you described, it may come in handy when raising, or dealing with the kids, on the spectrum. I run a blog, in which besides other issues, I try to raise awareness about ASD. Australian Bush Fires had not just shocked and saddened Aussies, but all the people around the world. Fascinating stories, stay with the kids; and a good-reading book is the best gift one may give to a child besides love and care. Thanks for sharing.👏😊


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