It seems that finally we have something that resembles some form of reality in a Romance book. Hoorah! Let's all celebrate the realistic qualities that some of us actually do possess! It is finally nice to see something that I could talk about to another human being and they would just as much appreciate what this book is able to offer to a great part of the population.
Kate and Freddie are shown to be on two varying paths in life. One in IT, the other recently having a rejig of her life, due to her redundancy in a very well paid job and now working in a gallery. So what makes the similar? Having that one secret, that really shouldn't be a secret, they are still virgins. Something that is perceived by both themselves and some parts of society to be weirdly bad. But as luck would have it, they both find the same advertisement of other virgins who meet up and chat about how it bothers them and life in general.
This story in particular has reminded me of so many indie/foreign films in the past that works off a similar premise, but somehow it still has that endearing quality to it. I think that it's because they aren't perfect and they can be susceptible to certain problems that affect them more than most. Kind of reminds me of many people that I have had the pleasure of getting to know throughout my life so far.
I genuinely enjoyed this book and how there wasn't any promise of what is meant to happen. Because that's life right? We never truly know what is around the corner, no matter how much we try so hard to plan. Maybe this is a book that we should all come to read as we are growing up. Taking away those feelings that you have to do anything right the first time, because you can always try again and it could even be better than the other versions before you. Life is not a race. We think it is. It's in our name. The human race. But that doesn't really say anything apart from species that we are all labelled as. Maybe if we all come to realise this, maybe we will be a little kinder to our peers.
So, the reason why I gave this a four star rather than a five, is the stereotypical cat and mouse chase. As much as I love a good old trope as the next, I'm not sure whether I liked it very much. Maybe I've seen too many and now I've become cynical. Either way, I think that it is still a great attempt of showing how life can be like and that it is not as bad as it seems.
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