It genuinely feels as though I have not been able to talk to you all in a millennia. The amount of space needed during these last three months have been exhausting to say the least. However, it is always refreshing and a lovely feeling being able to write again, on what I thought as my one way to escape during a certain period of my life. Things have been different in terms of how I've had to shape my life now. But hopefully this all good for the end result. So, to start off the new year with a bang, why not review a book that I finished on the last day of 2016? 'Holding up the Universe' is about two specific people during high school, where they have to encounter problems concerning the way that they both are, as well as how they are able to overcome it, it terms of acceptance as well as getting help from the people that they love. It tells of the story between the two characters Libby and Jack, who, not only have the problems of acceptance as high school st...
Books are life. Follow me on X @KikiHempell, Facebook @Kikisepeolatry, Instagram @kikihempell, Goodreads @KikiHempell