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Showing posts from 2016

New life, new books!

Hello my faithful and loyal readers. As you may or may not know, I have not been writing as often as I once did. Times change, so do I. However, it does not mean that you will lose me forever. Life has just got a funny way of changing direction in the weirdest of ways. My life altered on the 18th August this year. I finally was able to do the thing that I was told I would never do when I was a child by some people. In a way, it felt like in a few moments I had made the impossible, possible. Dreams can come a reality if you truly are determined and want it. So now, I'm in a very unfamiliar room, with unfamiliar smells, longing for home in some way. Yes, by now I would have thought that you have guessed what I am trying to say. I got into university. Now it's time to do the real work. So if I haven't talked to you in a long time - never fear, you are certainly missed and thought about. I love this blog. It has got me through a lot of rough patches throughout...

The Crown by Kiera Cass

It is sad you know? Seeing this all coming to an end. However, if you think about it, it won't be a complete end until i read the 'Happily Ever After' book, which has some small novellas that focus on the series. Although, i do feel that i don't really want to read it just yet as it means that it would have officially ended then for me, after all of these years. If you had been with me from the very start, my first post was actually a review of the first three books of the series. Everything seems to have changed drastically since then.   If i am being totally honest, when first laying my eyes of the final cover of the selection series, may have been a little bit judgemental. Not only because of the fact that i felt, not only is it very predictable, but it would have been nice to have colours that symbolise both femminity as well as leadership. Which when looking at this at first, it makes me think of 'primary' colours that everyone uses for girls, when...

Conditional Love by Cathy Bramley

So hi. Sorry for such a huge period of time where i was absent. There are several reasons as to why that is, personal as well as other big points. Anyway, i'm back and hopefully that means that i will be back for a while, before i may be noticeably absent once again. Today i have a nice book to come back to this blog. It is called 'Conditional Love' and written by an author from Nottinghamshire called Cathy Bramley. As you can see the awful picture that i took of this book doesn't really show the homely beauty of the book cover in person. The illustration really identifies what the story is all about - a woman with the aim of getting her dream home. It really shows this with the fact that there is a light on downstairs in the house, a warm hearth. So because of the fact that somehow i have "connections" with this author, she was very kind in sending various amount of goodies back last year. This included this book, as a signed copy, as well as other ...

P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han

Hi again. This time it's all about Jenny Han. So lets just cut to the chase then! This time it's P.S I Still Love You , this book has clearly been stated that it is one half of a two-part serial. This is because it is meant to be 'two-halves of a heart' which if left to me, is actually a pretty good concept - rather than dragging something out for the sake of it. ' Lara Jean didn’t expect to really fall for Peter. She and Peter were just pretending. Except suddenly they weren’t. Now Lara Jean is more confused than ever. When another boy from her past returns to her life, Lara Jean’s feelings for him return too. Can a girl be in love with two boys at once?' - Extract from Goodreads So when it comes to romance and stuff like that, we always know that at some point there are going to be some very much cringe-worthy moments, but also some really treasurable moments as well. This definitely speaks for itself when it is in the young adult genre - not that i h...

An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth: Life Lessons From Space by Chris Hadfield

I usually hate non-fiction so very much. I tend to find it utterly boring as well as depressing. But with this book it is completely different. It stands on it's own two feet by being irregular and unique in my eyes. It's inspirational. He's a role model to anyone who has met him, read him or seen him on YouTube singing 'Space Oddity'.   Here is the YouTube that he recorded on the ISS of Space Oddity if you haven't already seen it. But seriously who hasn't? Anyway if you have seen it, why not see it again? It is really good. Anyway, the book itself, is a very good example with motivating people to aspire to what they really want to do. Rather than just simply dreaming of their dream, he is saying to put those words into actions and finally into reality. But not only that, if you don't exactly get to the place as to which you really want to strive to be, that's ok. It doesn't mean that you are a failure. No one is a true failure, unless you ...

Miranda's Rights by Lily Luchesi

Hello! Today is the day as to which Lily Luchesi's second book is coming out, in the Paranormal Detectives series, called Miranda's Rights. I have already touched a bit upon this new book, from my last blog post, showing you the cover reveal for this upcoming novel. What a way to start with a bang at the start of the sequel, to the very well received, Stake Out. Actually, when reading this, I was impressed. Very impressed. Somehow, Lily Luchesi always seems to amaze me every time. If you have never read any of Lily's books before, or even if you are personally not an avid reader yourself, I would suggest that you begin with this series. As it is accessible to all ages, and the types of characters within it, are very familiar and easy to understand. As a person who loves to read a lot. And I mean quite a lot. Maybe too much, that I should really be focussing more on other things. I liked this book more than the previous. Not only were we able to see chara...