Sorry for the whole, leaving it for a month sort of thing. I've had a lot happening this past month, some more life-changing compared to some. So writing on this blog was put on a back burner for a while. This is also probably going to become a little bit of a thing though, now having so much more to cope with in my own life. Therefore i have been debating as to whether i should only post every fortnight. Because then not only will i be a bit more reliable but also, on some occassions there may be a bit more content compared to the weekly posts. I may even be able to talk about more than one book - if you are really lucky! Anyway, let's get onto the review that you have been waiting patiently for! This time i have been going back to my high piled TBR list and i picked a favourite as to which i have been wanting to read, since it was first published in May. I love the cover itself. It is so individual to the protagonist of the story. Especially when this is the second p...
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