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Stake-Out by Lily Luchesi

Hi guys! We all know what the post is about this week. Last week I revealed to you the cover of Lily Luchesi's upcoming book. And there is no surprise to tell you that I will be reviewing it for you today.

So first of all, I want to remind you of what I have shown you last week:

The book itself consists of around 100 pages -- pretty short and sweet. I kind of liked it this way. Sometimes I find vampires very hard going and having it in a "never-ending" sort of book, really can take a toll. It was snappy in a way that gets to the point, which is brilliant compared to those books are "padded" out for the sake of it.

I like the idea where there is more than vampires. It focuses on a wide range of paranormal creatures, which have been weaved together effortlessly, into the story. Rather than placing all of them in the background to set the stage. It demonstrates the skill of being able to personify more than one character. Everyone has their individual personality of their own.

Overall, it is a thrilling, mystical and mysterious read for those who both love paranormal and romance.

Rating: ****

Want to find out more?



Lily Luchesi is a young author/poet born in Chicago, Illinois, now residing in Los Angeles, California. Ever since she was a toddler her mother noticed her tendency for being interested in all things “dark”. At two she became infatuated with vampires and ghosts, and that infatuation turned into a lifestyle by the time she was twelve, and, as her family has always been what they now call “Gothic”, she doesn’t believe she shall ever change. She is also a hopeless romantic and avid music-lover, and will always associate vampires with love, blood and rock and roll. Her interest in poetry came around the same time as when she was given a book of Edgar Allan Poe’s complete work. She then realized that she had been writing her own poetry since she could hold a pen, and just had not known the correct terms. She finished her first manuscript at the age of fourteen, and now, at twenty-one, has two contributing credits in anthologies and a debut novel, Stake-Out, is soon to be published by Vamptasy Publishing on May 18th, 2015.


Purchase the Wishful Thinking anthology, featuring my short horror/sci-fi story, "Kill 'Em With Kindness":


I'm a published poet in the anthology The Struggle with my poem "Aftermath":


Read my FREE debut short story "The Ghost's Guitar" on:


Links: (page) (friend)


Stake-Out Synopsis:


Detective Danny Mancini is on a case, following a murder suspect. When he catches him, he finds out that the perp isn't even human: he's a 200 year old rogue vampire!

The department doesn't believe him, and puts him on early retirement, despite his many years of service to the Chicago Police Department, which sends him into a downward spiral.

Two years later, Danny gets an invitation from the beautiful, young and very attractive Detective Angelica Cross to join a secret branch of the FBI to help her track down Vincent, the wayward vamp.

But renegade werewolves, meddling immortal witches and Danny's strange visions of a life lived a century ago with Angelica make things more difficult than it should be.

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  1. Thank you for the great review! xoxo LL


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